you know how I said I'd get better at posting more? That lasted about as long as it took for two papers and a take home exam took to get piled up.
Since last, the ice has quickly melted and somehow I'm looking at 80* weather and dry rock. I've got a few days under my belt this season, and I'm definitely hurting from the lack of training due to injury. My head also isn't in the game, making my leads all that more hairy and my TR's easier to give up on. Which, I know, is lame.
However, I still feel inspired. I got both the Squamish and the new Adirondaks guide books, and I'm psyched to get out there, and just get back in the game hard. Squamish will be amazing, and even if I'm not exactly in climbing shape for it, this internship will have me whipped into decent overall shape.
Was at Rumney this past weekend...Lord that place makes you strong fast! Such sticky rock, truly hero makers! I was leading the trip, a group of newbies, and managing a group at Rumney is definitely not the easiest thing to do. As soon as people see that you're in a group larger than four, they hate you. Hard. Then, they're constantly asking if they can pull your rope and hope on the route you JUST CLIMBED, so that they can "lead it, real quick" which always turns into them, their wife, and their mom cycling through, taking an hour out of time I could have had my whole group through and moved on. This happened twice, and we were asked a couple more times, but by then I had finally grown balls to say NO. We had more than two ropes going, three if we were alone.
Money though...this could be a tight summer. Time to start looking for a paper route!
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