Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Sometimes the best thing to ever happen in a day is getting punched in the face by a rain drop.

The storm had been approaching all day; the temperature slipping a few degrees at a time, naked trees shivered as the wind began to race. It hovered over the high, snow-dusted high peaks of the Adironaks for the early afternoon. In the few minutes between when I entered my classroom to when I left with a dissappointing grade, the clouds had raced across the broad lake and raged overhead.

I've realized that I love what I do and I love what I study, and I love who I'm going to be in the future. But the means of getting there right now are simply so frustrating, overwhelming and discouraging.

An sudden pit settled into my stomach as I ran from the classroom, clutching my exam. The pit worsened and threatened to envelope me. Bursting through the double doors, the rain that had been hesitant to fall all day slammed into my flushed face. It beat the pit out of my body and left it in a puddle at my feet.

All that was left was me and the rain.


Anonymous said...

"All that was left was me and the rain."

And Jglo...snapping pictures while hiding behind the tree across from your place.

Nice blog!


Mo said...

Hahaha...he's admitted to watching me from a distance before!

Caleb said...

But the means of getting there right now are simply so frustrating, overwhelming and discouraging.

Don't sweat it, I am a few years out of college and still not where I really want to be, but working on it. I know how frustrating it can be.

Btw, this is BigFatRock from rc.com