Friday, December 14, 2007


Since I last wrote, not much has changed significantly, but life has certainly moved forward. The last exam of the semester is today, which will be a great relief to be over and done with. There is much i wish I had done differently this semester, maybe had tried a little harder, but there's no sense regretting the things that you can't change, only make a note for next time.

Meanwhile, snow has fallen and the water has frozen, and the ice climbing season has begun. It's my first season climbing ice, and it's absolutely wonderful. There's something beautiful about this cold pain you get as you're climbing - it hurts, but you just can't stop, because the air is so silent and the ice is so clean. There is a certain sounds that your pick makes when you land a nice solid placement, and it's an aria to the ears. The sport is full of sounds, from the dull thud of crampons on ice to the sound of shattering glass as you send sheets of ice showering down below you.